Feature Missing from DXF Laser File during Laser Mode

#3659 - Feature Missing from DXF Laser File during Laser Mode

  1. Customer modified DXF laser file for new dimension on single layer
  2. Customer loaded DXF file into Laser Mode
  3. Customer could no longer see modified layer in Laser Mode window
  1. DCS review old file and new file together
  2. Old file shows L3 objects as Polyline(s)

  3. New file shows L3 objects as Spline(s)

  1. Modified layer was left as Spline, and cannot be read by Laser Mode software
  2. Laser Mode software can only read Polyline objects to create laser path
  1. Redraw layer objects as Polyline
  2. Convert layer objects to Polyline
  1. Instructed Customer of Solution options
  2. Customer redrew L3 layer as Polyline objects
  3. L3 layer reappeared in Laser Mode window

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